Tuesday, May 9, 2017

April 2017 Bishop Ranch retreat

April 23 -27

This was my first Bishop Ranch retreat.  It was fabulous and I hope to have many more.  My primary objective was to extend my quilting network of people.  Therefore I purposefully did not "go" with anyone.  I allowed the coordinators to pair me up with anyone who needed a roommate and place me anywhere in the sewing area.  My roommate, Emily K, was awesome.  She had had a bicycle accident in Dec 2014 and has a traumatic brain injury as well as some mobility issues.  What an inspiration she is.  She did not let her limitations stop her in anyway.  Her project was a clam shell quilt that she cut out and started to piece and it is amazing.  I hope to see it finished.

The sewing table I was placed at had Karen D, Dena A and Diane D from my guild.  It was great to get to know these ladies better.  There were 52 women in all and it was great to meet and chat with all those that I did.  Everyone was friendly but a few groups were a bit cliquish.

I primarily worked on UFOs.  I accomplished a lot but of course not as much as I had hoped.

Sunday afternoon - Monday morning I completed the top of "Illusion"

Monday afternoon I asked for a "quilt by committee" and got lots of input on what I could do with the applique skeletons I had recently completed.  Totem pole was the consensus and I did put them together but couldn't get an arrangement that appealed to me.  Another great suggestion was to use one a place in the center on the back of a jacket.  Hmmm.  I think I may attempt to just sell them as is this year and if they do not sell I'll do something with them.

Monday evening - Tuesday
Quilted Mom's red wolf by Rob Appell that she made in the class we took from him in Sister's OR a couple of years ago. I tried to quilt "hair". I liked the result.

Tuesday -Wednesday
Worked on the final Buster the Cat does Halloween blocks.  Several people were interested in the Stick-N-Peel technique so I demonstrated it and got the blocks done.  YEAH.  I'm beginning to like applique.  Not sure what I'm going to do with these blocks. 

Tuesday evening
Mom had finished a quilt top, 8 card card trick,  and there was a lot of left over material so I wanted to make one block and put it into next year's medallion program.  Quick, fun and cleared out a project box.

Wednesday afternoon - Thursday morning
Got enough done that felt I could start something new.  I had bought this kit while at Road to CA as I thought it would be great to quilt each block differently, Square Peg by Sew Many Creations.  It also appeared to a quick quilt to make.  I got most of the block done but late on Wednesday night I got two of the light backgrounds mixed up and had to fix them.  I will sew the blocks together at the Harmony Ridge retreat next week. 

I had to leave Thursday about 11 to be home to work in the afternoon.  I missed Show-n-Tell.  

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